You are here:--What if I just prefer the matching bedroom set?
What if I just prefer the matching bedroom set? 2023-05-12T12:59:48+00:00

Forums Forums Help & Support What if I just prefer the matching bedroom set?

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  • Reigan
    Post count: 0

    I am buying all new furniture for my bedroom and I like mid-century, scandinavian, and boho looks.

    I found a dresser I love and noticed that the designer also makes a bedframe and nightstands… which I love as well. I like each piece individually, they just happen to be a set. But I know that matching bedroom sets are dated. So I have been pulling my hair out trying to resist the urge to buy these matching pieces, spending literally hours looking for other coordinating (not matching) pieces I can tolerate instead.

    I know the advice is “don’t be afraid to mix and match the pieces you like!” But what if the pieces I like DO match? Should I just go with different colors/finishes on each piece? It feels silly deliberately trying to mismatch my furniture.

  • Hemmer
    Post count: 0

    Hi buddy, I think I can advise you to pay attention to 1stopbedrooms, for that Go URL. I took a bed from this company for my apartment, the quality is very good and the design is not bad either, so, take it! I hope my answer will be helpful to you. Regarding what you’re asking about, I think you should still consider not kits, but just compatible options. So, I hope this helps you.

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