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How To Find And Kill The Butcher In Diablo 4 2023-05-24T00:25:02+00:00

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  • Jimekalmiya
    Post count: 5

    The iconic Butcher is back in Diablo 4. This time, the iconic demon arrived as a surprise boss. Players eager to take on the boss might have a bit of difficulty finding him, however, and fighting him depends a lot on how lucky. So in this article, we will show you how to locate and beat The Butcher in Diablo 4.

    The Butcher does not have a set spawn and will appear completely randomly in Diablo 4. And the Butcher only appears in Dungeons, not the open world. It can appear in any of the rooms within a Dungeon regardless of how much of it you’ve cleared. So, if you do want to encounter the Butcher, the best way is to grind the many side dungeons until it shows up. You’ll know you’ve found The Butcher when you see a large enemy running towards you saying “Fresh meat”.

    Beating The Butcher can be quite tricky. For one, you have a limited amount of time before the boss will despawn, robbing you of all your hard work. Likewise, the Butcher can be a bit of a beast actually to take down, especially if you are playing solo. The character packs a punch and can quickly knock away chunks of health with his cleaver. If you haven’t upgraded any defensive skills, it can kill you in one hit. Additionally, The Butcher has a lot of health, making him a bit of a pain to defeat. If you want to fight it, this is the best way to defeat the Butcher:

    Fight it as a group.
    Kite The Butcher continuously.
    Use the best Barbarian build to inflict heavy DPS.
    Avoid its front and attack from behind.
    Use movement abilities to avoid its charge attack.

    Of course, when you beat The Butcher in the game, it delivers some pretty great rewards. Expect a whole load of Diablo 4 gold, no less than two legendaries, and of course, The Butchers’ own cleaver. Any class can use this Unique weapon, and it is remarkably strong. It slows and fears enemies by 70% on a lucky hit, so it’s worth killing the monster for.

    That’s all there is to know about the Diablo 4 Butcher, including spawn locations, rewards, and how to beat The Butcher. For more Diablo 4 info, please browse!

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